Works exactly as expected - MochaSoft is delivering quality applications at an excellent price. To get this functionality on any other phone/handheld we used to be held hostage to the one or two developers who could write for those platforms - I paid $99 bucks for an SSH client for the Blackberry - best of breed, did exactly what it should do, but on the PLATFORM it sucked. Yes, there was a free version, but it did not hold a candle to the paid app. And I only paid $6.x for this app that beats anything I used before.
YES, we need SSH and need it NOW, but until then I can use MochaVNC to VNC to my Linux desktop on a VPN, and use SSH from there to wherever I need to go.
Did not even try out the FREE version, bought the paid version right off, suggest all add it to their application list and wait patiently, it is only a matter of time before either MochaSoft produces SSH or some other vendor - I prefer MochaSoft simply because they have an excellent track record so far.
Now if they could produce a tethering app
rmontyq about Mocha Telnet